StellarBeans Coffee Roaster Automation for Coffee Crafters Roasters

Coffee Roaster Automation for Coffee Crafters Coffee Roasters using Artisan-Scope

Thank you to each of you that were patient, willing to troubleshoot, kind, trusting of the kit, sent words of encouragement, and provided support for others along the way. Please support Jason and continue to help him be successful.



Thank you Coffee Crafters!

Coffee Crafters and StellarBeans collaborated to ensure your warranty isn’t affected with the installation of this kit. We both wanted to preserve the integrity and simplicity of the Coffee Crafters design. All support for the heat automation kit is provided by StellarBeans. All support for the Coffee Crafters Roasters is provided by Coffee Crafters.

What’s in the kit?

See the kit in action…

Roaster Automation